Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My Berlynney Bug!

I got to spend the day with my niece. I love this age! I am so thankful that my family let's me spend time with their kids. I missed out on such a sweet time in life with my own kids. She talked non stop all day and said the cutest things. She played with my dogs and laughed so hard. She pounded on the piano and sang old McDonald had a farm. She was my little helper at the store and my buddy for lunch. She asks about my dad (Mark) all grave. She asked me if this is where we were married. I can only imagine what is going through her little brain. We talked to a guy at the cemetery that was setting traps, she immediately made a new friend. I can totally see why we are told to become like a little child. They are so teachable and loving to everyone and everything. Love my Berlynney Bug!