Sunday, February 22, 2009

Thoughts that I liked this week.

Well, as I was trying to think of something to post for the past week, I was reflecting back and realized that I really learned somethings this week. So I am going to share with you what I learned and thoughts that I was reminded of.
1. At work I work in the toddler class and I realized how much they really do take in everything that we do. Children from when they are born until the age 3 absorb everything around them including the actions of others.
2. I learned that it is hard to explain some things to a 3 yr old. My niece Kaylee stayed the weekend with me and was wondering why we can say "God" in church and not use the word in everyday language. I wasn't sure how to explain that to her, but Mark taught me a good and simple way that she understood. He explained that God is very special to us and Church is a very special place. That we should only use that word when we are saying special things about him. I just loved that.
3. That when we do more thanking in our prayers are burdens seem to not be so hard. We seem to realize that we don't have it so bad when we realize how blessed we truly hard. This is a hard one for me right now because I don't seem to be getting the blessings that I really want. However I am really going to try this. My challenge is to pray once a week without asking for anything, just to thank my Heavenly Father for what I have.
4. And lastly, I learned that when it comes to where we live we make it what we want it to be. We are in charge of the Who, What and When in our lives. The Who is who we surround ourselves with. The What is what we choose to make of each situation. The Now is right now, what we choose to do right now.

Well this is what I learned and some thoughts that I heard. Oh and PS I redecorated my bathroom and it looks great. I forgot to take before and after pictures so the after pictures wouldn't do it justice but I will still get some soon.


The Cragun's said...

What can I say you are the cutest. I love your sweet personality I always learn so much from you. What wonderful things for all of us to take in from you.

Wendy said...

Thanks for the thoughts girl, beautiful and inspired as usual! Keep them comin' you're just Mr. Wisdom!

Megan said...

wow..VERY true lessons! you have made me stop and think. Love everything you said!

anjie said...

Thanks for sharing.

Wendy said...

I meant Mrs. sorry Hill!