Monday, August 6, 2012

Marks laugh!

I was having a rough week. I needed some extra strength to make it through. Everyone on face book seemed to be posting all of these things they were doing with their kids or for their kids, or what they were cooking for dinner or how they were loving their gardens! Not me! I just was figuring out how i was going to get all three kids at three different places all at the same time!. I had been praying for several days for some guidance, help, or just a little reassurance that i was doing okay. Well the next morning I was kind of in between sleep and awake. I could hear Mark talking to me. He was telling me that i was doing just fine. That my kids don't have to eat gourmet meals, and that i don't have to have a perfect garden. Then I heard it! His laugh it was as plain as if he was really there. I knew without any question that it was really him. He said that I make him laugh everyday. I just thought of course you are! You think this is really funny me down here trying to do all these thing, yelling at my kids, running around like a chicken with my head cut off!. Only you Mark would think this is funny!


Blaisdell's said...

That is awesome hillari! The veil is so thin for you! I can just near marks laugh right now and it makes me smile and teary eyed at the same time! love you!

karlie said...

I love you Hill! I'm so glad that you were able to have that experience! :)

Unknown said...


Thanks a lot for share this one.

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