Friday, May 14, 2010

My Life!!!

Okay this post may not be very positive but I want to turn this blog into more of a journal for myself. You are all more then welcome to read but please don't judge me. I have had a very overwhelming year with both good and bad and it doesn't seem to be changing any. With that said I do want to say this. I know that when we are suffering we may be nearer to God then ever before, I do know this to be true and have felt Gods hands in many things.
Mark has been very sick for most of our marriage and this has been really hard especially the last few years and even more so in the last few months. I love him more then anyone will ever know. We have had our share and more of rough times together. However I am very grateful for the time we have had together. These last months we have been closer to each other then ever. We have had to endure a lot together, trying to learn how to raise three beautiful children and how to lean on each other when there is no one else there. That is truly how I feel right now, that we only have each other and our Savior.
I have learned in the last few weeks that even those you respect the most can let you down. I may not be the most spiritual person but I do feel that I can feel what is wrong and what is right. (and by the way don't you think I would know my spouse better then anyone else?) Sorry just had to throw that in.
I have been very grateful for all of the help that we have received over time. This has been a long struggle and I know it is not over. I will have good days and bad and so will Mark. I have to just hope that we don't both have a bad day on the same day. :) I am trying so hard to be strong for both the kids and Mark but it is hard someday. I have to say though I have the best kids to be around they are always so kind and caring when I am having a bad day. I don't know how I ever did it without them here. I love them so much! They have brought many smiles to both Mark and myself. While Mark was in the hospital he didn't ever want visitors but he did want to see those kids.
Well I know that my Savior is here and is helping us along the way. I know that some bad things have to happen to maybe push us in the right direction. Good things always come out in the end. I have seen that today.


Linds Forrest said...

Wow I never knew he went through so much sickness. I hope he can overcome it! And I hope you have the strength to stand by his side. Both of your positions are difficult! Love you!! hope to see you sometime soon!

Anna said...

Amy and I were saying just last night that you must be Amazing! for God to have you do so much. And you are. "just keep swimming". I'm praying for you, thank you for letting us into your home at such a difficult time. It was so nice to be there, so beautiful. You truly are amazing.

Blaisdell's said...

Hillari you have been through so much already! I hope things get better for you and Mark soon. We will keep praying for all of you. You are doing a great job as a wife and mother! I am always here to listen if you need me.

Lisa Carter said...

Oh Hil,
I love you so much! I know that you are THE strongest woman that I have ever known. I have seen you with a smile on your face, even in the depths of despair. That is a truly rare and beautiful trait. I wish I was able to help you in some way. I am always here, even when life is as busy as it is. I would love to just talk, laugh, yell, cry, with you anytime.
Mark and the kids are beyond lucky to have you in their lives. That goes for me too!
Love ya,
(801)814-4225 anytime, really!

The Compton Family said...


I am so sorry for all the difficulty that you have been through. If you ever, ever need anything, just call. I am here to help.

saipan&Guam said...

YougoGurl & yes trials nowadays or latter dayz R so hard & so maybe we R the strongest to B here i think.. but i do noe 2 so gud 4 us all

Unknown said...


Yes. It's my life.

Day care in Chennai